I recently purchased a larger older home built in 1915. I had no furniture. I started going to Estate Sales and was lucky enough to pick up so many wonderful pieces of great, solid furniture - all with their own imagined stories - like you've recounted here.
While walking through some of these estate sales however, I often have very mixed feelings about the people who have to sell all their beautiful things. Had they died? Are they downsizing to move into retirement or assisted facilities? Both my parents, in their mid-80s are now living in nursing homes due to dementia and vascular Parkinson's diseases. Thank God they have 4 children CONSTANTLY advocating for their comfort and care. Otherwise, I am fearful of what might happen to them.
We treat our elders SO poorly in this nation of wealth and many are forced to continue working well past their real ability to do so. Your story brought both the joy of finding an old, solid piece of furniture and the heartache of what that couple might be going through. Maybe this nation can begin to improve the care of our elders. We will all eventually be there as well.